Along with other advanced techniques IXAR has initiated the Internal rotary inspection system (IRIS) ultrasonic test method which is employed for testing pipes and tubes in boilers, heat exchangers and fin-fan tubes. The IRIS probe is inserted into a tube that is flooded with water, and the probe is pulled out slowly as the data is displayed and recorded. The ultrasonic beam allows the detection of metal loss from the inside and outside of the tube wall. The IRIS probe consists of a rotating mirror that directs the ultrasonic beam into the tube wall. The mirror is driven by a small turbine that is rotated by water pressure.
As the probe is pulled the spinning motion of the mirror results in a helical scan path. The IRIS probe must be moved very slowly (approximately 2.5 cm/s) to produce very accurate results (wall thickness measurements typically accurate to within 0.13 mm). Not sensitive to cracks aligned with tube radius.
Benefits of using IRIS include:
1) Suitability of for ferrous and non-ferrous materials 2) Detection of corrosion, pitting and wall-loss 3) Accurate wall thickness measurements 4) Sensitivity to both internal and external defects 5) Defect position can be located in relation to tube length 6) 100% coverage of tube 7) Works on all materials, regardless of properties 8) Flexibility as a backup to a remote field, magnetic flux leakage and eddy current inspections.
Our NDT inspectors have years of experience using IRIS and they can provide you with an accurate assessment of the conditions of your components and Total Quality Assurance.